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If you are new to the area or just visiting, we welcome you and invite you to join us for one of our services.  We normally celebrate with a classic service at 9:00 and an alternative service at 11:00 every Sunday morning.  Children's Church is available for children pre-school age through 5th grade during the 11:00 service.  A spacious nursery with experienced, nurturing caregivers is provided for infants through 3 years during both services.


Office Hours

The office is open Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 - 11:30 am.  Closed on holidays.


Our Core Values

A. Acceptance: Everyone, regardless of who they are, what they have done, or what they are doing, will be accepted here.  Laketon Bethel will be a safe place to explore your relationship with Jesus.

B. Bible: The teachings of Jesus, contained in the Bible, are the final authority for faith and practice.  We will study these teachings with open minds and the best scholarship available.

C. Connection: We invite people to connect with Jesus and with each other in all that we do.


Laketon Bethel is a member of the Muskegon Classis of the Great Lakes Regional Synod of the RCA, Reformed Church of America.  The RCA is a fellowship of congregations called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the very prescence of Jesus Christ in the world.