Online Archives 2020
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ADVENT RENEWAL, PART 4: FILL BUCKETS. If you want to get the most out of church, fill buckets.
ADVENT RENEWAL, PART 3: SERVE. The one who gets the most out of church is the one who puts the most in. So serve with all you have.
ADVENT RENEWAL, PART TWO: LISTEN AND LEARN. If you want to get the most out of church, be prepared to learn. Learning is a vital part of worship.
ADVENT RENEWAL, PART ONE. This begins a series on spiritual renewal that could be called, “HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF CHURCH.” Today is part one on the topic of soul preparation.
GOT PURPOSE?: Special guest teacher Jan Reahm talks to us about life's purpose.
LUCK OR KARMA: Does everything really happen for a reason? What Jesus said about this may surprise you.
HEALTHY DOUBT: Doubt is like the puberty of the faith journey. It is necessary for a growing, productive faith. So embrace it (own it) and get through it.
TAKING CRITICISM LIKE A BOSS: Not everyone who criticizes you is your enemy. When we embrace and evaluate criticism rather than run from it, our lives get better.
YOUR STATUS WITH GOD: You can know your status with God is OK by following the “abc’s” of Jesus’ teachings.
DISAGREE WITHOUT DISRESPECT: In our heated political climate, followers of Jesus have the opportunity to model the teachings he gives us. It is always OK to disagree. It is never OK to disrespect. Followers of Jesus are called to honor all of God's children.
A LIGHTER BURDEN. Jesus’ burden is easier because he changes our values. He takes away our need to prove our significance and teaches us to live in humble grace.
WHAT CAN You EXPECT? Good things, because of who God is and not because of who we are or what we have done.
RE-VISION: We’re suggesting that everyone follows Paul’s mandate from 1st Corinthians 12 to trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly and love extravagantly. Doing these three things will result in many positive life changes.
THE LONG HAUL: how can we get through the Covid crisis? This brief teaching brings out some ideas from the Bible on how to develop spiritual grit that helps us get through anything.
RED'S LIVIN' ON THE EDGE: Guest teacher Theresa Schiltz shares her secrets of how to deal with life's storms.
A GOAL FOR YOUR SOUL. Is it possible to be "calm in the soul" during a pandemic? Is it right to be calm? Can I lower my level of anxiety by paying attention to my soul?
SPITTING NICKELS: today we are encouraging encouragers to encourage using examples from the Bible.
THE REAL ENEMY: We’re fighting on two fronts. The first front is the virus and all the fallout from it. The second front is the gray matter between our ears, that we often surrender to the bad spirits of cynicism, ingratitude and pessimism. Paul tells us how to win on the second front.
WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? Today we remind ourselves of our purpose as a church, what God has called us to do and be. We need, in times of crisis like this, to remind ourselves of God’s vision for this church and of God’s vision for us as individuals.
BUT I WON'T DO THAT! We look at Jonah [and the Whale]. Jonah ran from God and his mission – and the consequences are an important message for all of us
LOSING YOUR GRIP. We take a look at some readings from the 12th chapter of Hebrews that teach us how to lose our grip with grace in any situation, especially as we deal with COVID 19.
DOES GOD WANT TO BLESS? Or, does he want to make life difficult for you? Or maybe both. We'll take a look at this question in this message.
WHY IS LIFE SO HARD? Life is hard because the devil and his minions have messed it up. How do we handle it?
Guest teacher Steve Mussman helps us understand the dangers of being "pew potatoes."
FREE REFILLS FOR THE SOUL: Can your cup overflow with blessings even as you walk through the valley of the virus? If so, how? I recently rediscovered the children's book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. Her principles are in line with the teachings of Jesus and very practical. God uses others to fill our cups. You are the "others."
July 5, 2020 - WOULD JESUS WEAR A MASK? We take a look at the answer to this question derived from Jesus' own teachings in the gospels.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 10: MAKE A DIFFERENCE. God loves you and wants to spend all eternity with you. That is the reason why you were created. He also wants you to help recruit his lost children to himself. He forces no one to love him, he wants the love to be voluntary. You are to be the reason they love him, so let your light shine. Make a difference.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 9: FROM THE INSIDE OUT. The most therapeutic thing you can do for your soul is to surrender to God. Doing so will give you hope, purpose and inner peace.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 8: TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR THOUGHTS. To reduce melancholy during the quarantine or any other unpleasant situation, surrender your heart and mind to God and then work at it. Add sweat equity to move from being an angry pessimist to a grateful optimist.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 7: THE GREAT COVID COMMANDMENT. Love is often the missing ingredient in our souls. If we want our souls to thrive, we must both give and receive love.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 6: PREPARE FOR OBSTACLES. We live in a world where things go wrong. This is normal. If we want our souls to survive, we need to be prepared. We need to build some reserves so that we can be resilient when times are up, down or sideways.
LINGERING HATE OR CLEAN SLATE, part 5 of the series "Positive Therapy for the Soul." This session takes a look at the damaging effect of lack of forgiveness to the soul and how to get rid of it.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 4: A HEART EXAM. We all get infected from time to time with doubts, fears and bad attitudes. We need to let the Great Physician examine our hearts and heal us from these things so we can have the joyful life he intends for us.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 3: REMOVING THE VICTIM LABEL. Let's think about replacing the blaming and self-pity that often accompany situations like this with grateful optimism.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART 2: RESPOND OR REACT. God has given each of us the ability to respond wisely to all circumstances. Let’s choose to do that. Maybe you can remind this preacher to respond with thoughtful grace rather than react with anger.
POSITIVE THERAPY FOR THE SOUL, PART ONE: ATTITUDE UPGRADE. Here we discuss how in coping with the virus shutdown, we can spread something even more contagious, an attitude rooted in Christ.
WELL DONE. You will likely survive this virus. How will you make the rest of your life count? Will Jesus say to you on the day your number is up, “Well done, enter into the joy of your Master?”
A NEW DAY IS DAWNING, an Easter message. Jesus came out of the tomb in much better shape than he went in. We can come out of this pandemic much better than we were before if we let him lead us. Let's come out of this with stronger faith, stronger purpose and bigger hearts.
THUNDER CHICKEN: A teaching of Jesus on anxiety from Matthew 6.
PEACE IN A PANDEMIC, three things you can do that will make your journey through this pandemic go better, based on Philippians 4.6-8
Based on the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10.38-42.
From Luke 8. We can stay calm in all our storms.