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HEALING FOR CRUSHED SPIRITS: Crushed spirits are normal. Realize that the Lord understands and will walk with you. This life is a test. The Lord walks with us through it as a parent walks through tests with his/her children. He can’t take SATs with us but he will be there as we take them. We can rejoice and be glad in the outcome.
DUMPSTER DIVING AND HOLY JIVING: This message from the parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us that the two basic actions of the follower of Jesus are to pray and be nice.
THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK: In this speech of Jesus, we get 5 of his core teachings. When we follow these teachings, it separates us from the animals. Turning from being self-centered to Christ-centered is our calling.
ONLY SINNERS ACCEPTED: Jesus accepted the marginalized and freely associated with them. Those who can’t accept the marginalized are outside of his blessings while those who freely admit their sins are recipients of his blessings.
CAFETERIA CHRISTIANITY: Sometimes we only want to follow certain teachings of the Bible without applying all of it. We can’t follow all of the commandments. Jesus tells us what is most important. What a relief!
HIGH WATER BILLS from Mark 10: Jesus offered himself as a ransom for our imprisoned souls. He did not offer himself as a propitiation to an angry god. Instead he paid the price so that we could be released to the God who loves us.
SHEEP AND GOATS: God blesses us when we pay attention to those who are having a run of bad luck, even if it is self-inflicted. God blesses us when we help them get through what they are going through. So let’s get the blessings.
REINVENTING FATHERHOOD: Jesus calls us dads to move from patriarchy to servanthood. We are called to empower our daughters and seek to reverse centuries of male dominance.
MAKING CHICKEN SALAD: If you use what you have been given, you will be blessed with more. If you do nothing, you will lose everything.
BIG SHOT OR BIG HELP: Significance and satisfaction come from service, not salutation. - from Matthew 23.
FINDING GOOD DIRECTION: All of the world’s problems would be solved if people lived by the greatest commandments. We can’t solve all of the world’s problems, but we can solve many of our own by heeding these two commandments in our personal lives. [How you treat people and how you treat God is what matters.]
THE LARGENESS OF MARRIAGE: today we look at some biblical principles to add blessings to your marriage.
MERCY FOR MOMS: not all moms are perfect. how do we deal with the imperfect ones (that we all have)?
DOES YOUR FAITH WORK? Tune in to learn the key to vibrant faith.