Opportunities to Serve
As disciples at Laketon Bethel we grow by serving our community. This service includes being the voice of encouragement and hope to everyone we meet and by getting involved in a service team for the church or for the community. Call the office for more information: 231.744.1749.
The following Serving Opportunities are currently available:
Nursery Caregivers are needed to help out during both services.
Our Children's Church is in need of volunteers to assist Preschool - 5th Grade.
Coffee Servers are needed to serve coffee, lemonade and cookies following each of our Sunday Services.
PrayerWarriors Prayer is always a good way to serve. Please continue to pray for our church leaders and members of our church family along with those who are walking the path to faith. Sign up to be a "Prayer Warrior" and receive special prayer requests via e-mail.
The Feeding America Food Truck is here at Laketon Bethel Reformed once a month. Please join as a volunteer, many hands are needed to make this great service opportunity a great success. It is a very rewarding project to be involved with.
Funeral Luncheon MInistry This Ministry prepares and serves luncheons for funeral services. Cakes are often needed to be baked and donated for the luncheons also..
Kids Food Basket Volunteer to help feed hungry children in the community by packing lunch sacks or donating food. For more information click here.
Hand2Hand Laketon Bethel will be hosting Hand2Hand for three Reeths-Puffer schools this coming school year to send meals home for the weekends to keep kids from going hungry. For more information click here.
Forgiven Ministry Volunteer to bring the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness to those behind bars. For more information click here.
Several special events happen during the year. These events need many volunteers to run smoothly and be successful. Some of the events are: Adopt-A-Family, Vacation Bible School, Santa Secret Shopper, Coat Drive, Back to School Back-Pack-Giveaway, Trunk-or-Treat so Others Can Eat, Spaghetti Supper, Annual Rummage Sale, Baked Goods Sales, and misc. fund-raisers. Watch your bulletins for dates and contact information.
There are many opportunities to help in the maintenance of Laketon Bethel including yard clean-up, snow removal, building repair, janitorial and housekeeping duties.